Game Of The Week
If you can put chess games in Portable Game Notation (.PGN), send an email with them to me as fast as you can. I love these things – just highlight, copy, paste, and I am done. Here is another one from Larry Wutt, God bless his soul!
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Black to move |
Wutt,Larry (1803) - Towbin,Steve (2062) [A40]
Denver Open Denver (3), 04.07.2004
[Larry Wutt & Fritz]
A40: Unusual replies to 1 d4
Looks like a strange form of the Budapest Gambit without Nf6 first. [1...d5!?= should be examined more closely]
2.dxe5+/= Nc6 3.Nf3
Trying to develop the kingside for castling. I am not really worried about keeping my extra pawn.
3...d6 [3...Qe7 4.Qd5+/- ] 4.e4
I briefly looked at Bg5, however, I didn't follow it far enough through to notice that I get to keep the extra pawn and isolate his queen pawn! [4.Bg5 Be7 5.Bxe7 Qxe7 6.exd6 cxd6+/- ]
4...Bg4 [4...Qe7 5.Bg5 f6 6.exf6 Qxe4+ 7.Be2 gxf6 8.Nc3+/= ] 5.Bb5 [5.exd6!? Bxd6 6.Bb5+/-
I would have been up a pawn, but behind in development. Am I evaluating development to highly?]
I spent quite a few minutes on the forced sequence which follows. I figured that the bishop pair was worth giving up in order to wreck black's queenside pawn structure.
6.Bxc6+ bxc6 7.Qxd8+ Rxd8
It would be nice to take e5, but a pawn is not worth getting mated.
Protects the knight on f3 and blocks the d-file from the ugly mate threat. Now black must protect e5.
Prevents intrusion on e5+g5
Starting my plan of controlling c5. Blockade and capture!
9...Bd6 Steve wants to castle and start an attack on the Kingside. This move lends support to e5 so that he can expand with f5.
10.Be3 Controlling c5 and attacking a7.
Black decides to protect a7. I thought that it might have been interesting to let the pawn on a7 go. Steve could try to get his rooks on the half-open a and b-files. He could then exert a significant amount of pressure on my position. As black, I would have considered this approach. Especially if the dark-squared bishop could control the a1-h8 diagonal.
My play is on the queenside. I wanted to bring the knight over to help with an attack. I was also a little worried that black may take on f3, ruining my kingside pawn structure. Steve later said that he valued the bishop pair more than ruining my pawn structure.
Keeps my knight out of c4. It is a strong post for the bishop.
The knight feels good on c5. Attacking the bishop and blockading the c6 pawn.
12...Bf7 13.0-0
I don't know if castling was the best move. With the queens off the board, my king may have been better off in the center.
13...Ne7 14.Rfd1
I want to control the d-file. Looking at the position again, however, I don't have any infltration points. Ndb2 probably would have been better. I started to get away from my original plan of capturing c6.
14...f5 15.f3 0-0 16.c4
This was a weak move. I thought that I could capture the pawn on c7, which I eventually did. Unfortunately, it cost me my knight and subsequently the game. I should have played Ndb7.
Black gets more space
17.Bf2 g5
In the post mortem, I suggested Kh8 with the idea of bring a rook to g8, and then maybe doubling on the g-file. [17...a5!?+/= is an interesting idea]
Starting my ill-fated plan of capturing c7.
18...Ng6 19.c5 Be7 20.Nxc7?
Throws away the advantage. Nb3 was much stronger! I saw that I would lose the knight after I made the move. For some reason, I missed the move a5, which will trap the knight. [>=20.Nb3!?+/- ; Fritz 6: 20.Nb3 Bc4 (Fritz 6: 20...Bxb3 21.axb3 Rfd8 22.Rxd8+ Rxd8 23.Nb4 Rd2 24.Nxc6 Rxb2 25.b4 1.47/16; Fritz 6: 20...Rac8 21.Na5 Be8 22.Rd3 h5 23.Rad1 g4 24.b3 Rf6 25.a3 1.47/16) 21.Nxc7 Rac8 22.Na5 Be2 23.Ne6 Rf6 24.Rd2 g4 25.Ng5 1.25/16]
20...Rab8= 21.b3
Secures c4 [21.Nb3!?= has some apparent merit]
Black threatens.... what?
22.Nc4 Bxc4 23.bxc4 Rb7??
weakening the position [>=23...Rfc8 24.Ne6 Kf7 25.Nxg5+ Bxg5 26.Rd7+ Be7-+ ]
What a lemon! I was so mad at myself for losing a game that I should have won. Unfortunately, I still had chances. Nd5! was the correct move, giving me connected passed pawns on the fifth rank. This would have been ample compensation for the knight being exchanged for two pawns! Suffice to say, that I did not last long after Ne6? [>=24.Nd5 is the best option White has 24...cxd5 25.cxd5+/= This would have been a fun position to play! Black would be hard-pressed to defend against the coming pawn roller.]
Larry Strikes Again!
[Event "Denver Open"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2004.07.04"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Wutt, Larry"]
[Black "Towbin, Steve"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A40"]
[WhiteElo "1803"]
[BlackElo "2062"]
[PlyCount "47"]
[EventDate "2004.07.02"]
1. d4 e5 2. dxe5 Nc6 3. Nf3 d6 4. e4 Bg4 5. Bb5 dxe5 6. Bxc6+ bxc6 7. Qxd8+
Rxd8 8. Nbd2 f6 9. Nb3 Bd6 10. Be3 Ra8 11. Nfd2 Be6 12. Nc5 Bf7 13. O-O Ne7 14.
Rfd1 f5 15. f3 O-O 16. c4 f4 17. Bf2 g5 18. Na6 Ng6 19. c5 Be7 20. Nxc7 Rab8
21. b3 a5 22. Nc4 Bxc4 23. bxc4 Rb7 24. Ne6 0-1
This Week In Chess
Monday August 02, 2004
On 7/27, the CSCC had 20 members in attendance. In the USCF-rated (G90) games, Richard Cordovano beat Allan Ufer, Dean Brown toppled Dan Southard, and Andrew Chow drew against Damon Walker. In a G60, Jason Caldwell hammered Shaun MacMillan.
The rest of the group played in a “Brown” random tournament (G15) instead of the scheduled “Fischer” random. This is a new invention by Dean Brown to make sure nobody splits a 2-game match in a 2-round Swiss pairing system.
The Brown scoring system gives everyone 2 points, and then has the points multiplied by x, with x equaling the number of rounds won. For the random part, the pawns started in their regular position. However, the roll of a die determined the set-up of the pieces. Of course, a couple of rules helped keep the game close to standard chess; the bishops had to be on opposite colors, and the king had to be between the rooks. Castling was accomplished with the standard rules and into the normal position, but the king and rook could start from almost any other back rank square. Here is how the tournament ended:
Jeff Fox
Paul Anderson
Roy Roberts
Antony Kolenc
Bill Whinemiller
Jeromy Ferguson
Ken Burton
Renae Delaware
Sebastian Olariu
Ed Burton
Jeff Brewer
John McIntyre
William Tant
Chess Night At Barnes & Noble
By Roy Roberts
Barnes & Noble Booksellers are pleased to announce the start of game night with an evening of chess on August 11, 2004 from 6-8pm at 795 Citadel Dr E (next to the Citadel Mall). Contact Lora Reiher or Maureen Durocher at 719-637-8282.
CSCC to Award Free Entries
The Colorado Springs Chess Club awards free entries to the Pikes Peak Open for the highest club rating and the greatest rating increase. The likely winners are Brian Wall (2286) and Renae Delaware (+169 ratings increase). The official club high is our only CGM (club grandmaster), Adam Weissbarth. However, since he is unlikely to attend the event, I guess the club is forced to drop way down the ratings list to the CM (club master) category.
The Purpose Of A Guest Book
If you haven’t ever check the guest book, here is your chance to do so and get a free chess clock program. I cannot vouch for the safety or usefulness of the program, but since it is the first ad I have received on the guest book, I will leave it up for anyone to try it. Let me know how it works if you do. But also, feel free to post any other chess-related ads you like.
Upcoming Events
8/3 Speed Tournament, CSCC
8/7-8/8 Pikes Peak Open, CSCA
8/9 Kids’ Chess Club, Borders
8/10 Brian Wall Simultaneous, CSCC
8/17 Team Swiss (G15), CSCC
8/24 Thematic tournament, CSCC
8/31 Ladder games, CSCC
Chess Ads
New ad in the Guest Book
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