Game Of The Week
This week I received a game from Larry Wutt. He sent it to me in an email as a PGN attachment, and it worked well!
The only weird thing I noticed was a $6 and several $2 notations. I thought Larry was assigning his prize money to specific mistakes by his opponents, but it was just the program’s code for ‘?!’ and ‘?’.
Otherwise, this game would have had $16 worth of mistakes by his opponent, which is about the same amount the producers spent on the first opening for the Six Million Dollar Man.
Here is what Larry said:
“I saw the game between Paul Nikitovich and Brian Wall and I did not want to get involved with the Nimzo. Dan Avery had taught me this move order to avoid the Nimzo (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3). We are now in a Bogo-Indian and I am clueless on how to play it. I did not feel badly about exchanging bishops. I have played Brian Wall enough times and I realize how well a master can handle the bishop pair. I really tried to look at how each of our moves effected the position. I felt that I had the better game after 14...f5 ($6). This was the first game that I tried to talk myself through the position instead of analyzing and looking for tactics. I unfortunately missed some tactics, but I am pleased with the overall game.”
(21) Wutt,Larry (1800) - Nikitovich,Paul (2218) [E11]
Denver Open Denver (1.3), 03.07.2004
[Larry Wutt]
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 Bb4+ 4.Bd2 a5 5.a3
This move is out of the book opening. It has been played a few times. In the game Pcola-Benjamin, black takes on d2 and ends up with equality.
Saving the bishop pair, but I felt that this wasted time.
I feel fine here. I have more central space and I am trying to gain control of e5.
6...d5 7.e3
I hated blocking in my dark-squared bishop, but I wanted to protect c4.
7...0-0 8.Rc1
I am anticipating the opening of the c-file. I don't want to move my light squared bishop quite yet.
8...c6 9.Bd3
I felt that I needed to castle soon. I do not like my king in the center.
9...Nbd7 10.0-0 Bd6 11.cxd5 exd5 12.e4
I know that this gives me an isolated d-pawn, but I felt that I could plunk a knight on e5, which I did accomplish.
12...dxe4 13.Nxe4 Nxe4 14.Bxe4 f5?!
I didn't understand this move. It weakens his kingside and leaves the e5 square without any pawn control for black. Fritz suggested [14...Nf6 Bc2 =]. Fritz claims that I have a slight advantage and, during the game, I felt that I had gained the advantage.
15.Bb1 h6
Weakens his kingside even more. What a juicy hole on g6! It keeps my knight (or bishop) out of g5, however. But is it worth the cost?
Fritz liked Ba2+ better. I liked the bishop attacking the f5 pawn. It also keeps an eye on h7. [16.Ba2+ Kh8 17.Re1 Nf6 18.Ne5 ]
16...Kh8 17.Rfe1
Rooks belong on open files!
Dilemma!! Where do I place my queen? e3 seemed to be the best square. I thought that I might be able to effect a pin on g7 (Bc3) and threaten to take on h6. The queen also helps control e5. I want my knight there!
18.Qe3 18...Nf6
Fritz likes my knight on e5! And by the way so do I.
19.Ne5 Kg8 20.Ba2+
Lets move his king back to the h-file.
20...Kh7 21.Bb1 Ne4
A nice square for his knight. Fritz, the great god of ill-gotten gains, wants me to take the knight and the pawn. I just couldn't see giving that much counter-play for one lousy pawn.
Grabbing more space and firmly ensconcing my knight!
Now I have to take the knight. I cannot allow the bishop to come to d5.
23.Bxe4 fxe4 24.Bc3
Again, I did not go for the material. Too much compensation for my taste.
I see a big pawn on d5. If it ever becomes active, I could be in trouble. Moving my queen had better be worth something. I still like my position.
25.Rf1 Rf5 26.g4
I am starting to attack. Black has 3 minutes left on his clock and I have 15.
26...Rf6 27.Rc2
Preparing to swing the rook to f2, g2, or possibly h2. It needs to join the party.
27...Qe7 28.Rcf2 28...Raf8 29.h4
Fritz rates this position as basically equal. I have a tremendous space advantage and the knight on e5 really cramps his position. I feel that I have the advantage. I do not understand Fritz's evaluation.
The first of many blunders by both sides.
Look at the passed pawn on the 5th rank!
30...Rg6 31.g5
I should have played Rg2!
31...hxg5? 32.hxg5
I wanted to open the h-file. Fritz suggested the following line as stronger. It was hard to see all the tactics since I was now getting low on time. I had 6 minutes. [32.f5 Rh6 33.Bb4 Qxe5 34.Bxf8 Rxh4 35.Qxg5 ]
This flat out loses the house. Too bad I missed it. Qh3+ and the game is over. I unfortunately felt that attacking his queen was the correct idea.
33.Bb4? c5?
Qh3+ still wins! Missed it twice. After the game, everyone who was watching asked me why I didn't play this move. I wish that I had a decent answer.
34.Bxc5 Rgxg5+ 35.Rg2?
Why didn't I take with f-pawn? I saw the checks with the queen and Bishop and freaked. I just gave the advantage back.
35...Rxg2+ 36.Kxg2 Qh4?
I finally catch the blunder!
37.Rh1 1-0
The Sixteen Dollar Man
[Event "Denver Open"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2004.07.03"]
[Round "1.3"]
[White "Wutt, Larry"]
[Black "Nikitovich, Paul"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "E11"]
[WhiteElo "1803"]
[BlackElo "2218"]
[PlyCount "73"]
[EventDate "2004.07.02"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 Bb4+ 4. Bd2 a5 5. a3 Be7 6. Nc3 d5 7. e3 O-O 8. Rc1
c6 9. Bd3 Nbd7 10. O-O Bd6 11. cxd5 exd5 12. e4 dxe4 13. Nxe4 Nxe4 14. Bxe4 f5
15. Bb1 h6 16. Qb3+ Kh8 17. Rfe1 a4 18. Qe3 Nf6 19. Ne5 Kg8 20. Ba2+ Kh7 21.
Bb1 Ne4 22. f4 Be6 23. Bxe4 fxe4 24. Bc3 Bd5 25. Rf1 Rf5 26. g4 Rf6 27. Rc2 Qe7
28. Rcf2 Raf8 29. h4 Bxe5 30. dxe5 Rg6 31. g5 hxg5 32. hxg5 Rf5 33. Bb4 c5 34.
Bxc5 Rgxg5+ 35. Rg2 Rxg2+ 36. Kxg2 Qh4 37. Rh1 1-0
This Week In Chess
Monday July 19, 2004
On 7/13, the CSCC had 28 members in attendance. In the USCF-rated (G90) games, Richard Cordovano got some revenge on Andy Chow (see 6/1 and 6/15 newsletters) and Allan Ufer scored the victory over John McIntyre. The rest of the group played in a 4 round, Swiss tournament (G15). Here are the final standings:
Buck Buchanan
Paul Anderson
Jeff Fox
Sam Meyer
Devin Smith
Renae Delaware
Roy Roberts
DuWayne Langseth
Joe Luciano
Gary Frenzel
Jeff Gilchrist
Dean Brown
Chris Chester
Sebastian Olariu
Tom Mullikin
Virgil McGuire
Paul Christensen
Chris McCarty
Upcoming Events
7/20 Ladder Games, CSCC
7/26 Kids’ Chess Club, Borders
7/27 Fischer Random, CSCC
8/3 Speed Tournament, CSCC
8/7-8/8 Pikes Peak Open, CSCA
8/10 Brian Wall Simultaneous, CSCC
8/17 Team Swiss (G15), CSCC
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