Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Sweet Sixteen

Game Of The Week

I was playing in the Pikes Peak Open most of the weekend, so you get a quick game and a quick newsletter.

Interestingly, when you search the Fritz 8 database for games that end in mate under a certain number of moves, it will count resignations (if your opponent was going to be mated) even when the mating line exceeds that number.

See diagram on blog
Black to move

Sweet Sixteen

[Event "Pikes Peak Open"]
[Site "https://cschessnews.blogspot.com/"]
[Date "2005.08.06"]
[Round "1.9"]
[White "Spell, Fred Eric"]
[Black "Anderson, Paul"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A11"]
[WhiteElo "1255"]
[BlackElo "1821"]
[PlyCount "32"]
[EventDate "2005.08.06"]

1. c4 c6 2. Nc3 g6 3. d4 Bg7 4. Nf3 d6 5. Bg5 Bg4 6. e3 Qb6 7. Qc2 Bxf3 8. gxf3
Nd7 9. Bg2 c5 10. d5 Qb4 11. Qb3 Ne5 12. O-O-O Nxc4 13. Qxb4 cxb4 14. Na4 Rc8
15. Kb1 b5 16. b3 Na3# 0-1

This Week In Chess

Tuesday August 9, 2005

On August 2, the CSCC had 21 members in attendance.  In the USCF-rated games (G90), Dean Brown butchered Mike Davis, and Jerry Maier mangled Tom Mullikin.

The rest of the members played in a single, round robin speed tournament (G5).  Here are the results:


Paul Anderson
Buck Buchanan
Jeff Fox
Virgil McGuire
Jason Check
Renae Delaware
Chris Nord
Gary Frenzel/John Revere
Jeff Brewer
Shaun MacMillan
Chris McCarty
Kathy Schneider

Comments from the Guest Book

Kevin Sevarino, Cheshire CT, August 8th:

I'm an old college friend of Bill Whinemiller IIIs and was hoping he could contact me.  Could you please pass on my contact information (sevarino@hotmail.com)?  Thanks.

Martin Deschner, Denver CO, August 2nd:

50 published games?  That's great!  Just 10 more to catch up with Bobby Fischer and his 60 Memorable Games!  Regards from Denver

Upcoming Events

8/9 Quads (G15), CSCC
8/16 Ladder games, CSCC
8/27 Izumi Derbyshire Quick, DCC
8/28 Isaac Martinez Quick, DCC
9/3-5 Colorado Open, CSCA
10/8-9 Larimer County Open, CSCA

Colorado Springs Chess Club: CSCC
Denver Chess Club: DCC
Colorado State Chess Association: CSCA

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Game Of The Week This week's game comes from the Colorado Springs Chess Club's Sunday-night, online, rapid tournaments.  This was an...