Game Of The Week
This week’s game comes from Tuesday night’s lecture by Shaun MacMillan. All the members had a chance to take a classic game and butcher the ending. However, only a handful of members actually took all of Alekhine’s hard work and wasted it by giving black a draw. I was one of them.
Of course, I felt a lot better when I found out someone actually won as black. In any case, my draw was an example of over-thinking the position. It seemed to me (and Joe Fromme too) that Qd4 was too obvious to be selected as the entire evening’s lesson. There had to be a trick.
Well, there wasn’t. But there could have been! If Shaun had only started the lesson from move 46…Qh8, then all those queen traders would have been by impressed by my thinking as Alekhine refused the trade there as it probably leads to a draw.
White to move |
Trading Queens
[Event "World Championship 13th"]
[Site ""]
[Date "1927.11.26"]
[Round "34"]
[White "Alekhine, Alexander"]
[Black "Capablanca, Jose Raul"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D51"]
[PlyCount "163"]
[EventDate "1927.09.16"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 Nbd7 5. e3 c6 6. a3 Be7 7. Nf3 O-O 8. Bd3
dxc4 9. Bxc4 Nd5 10. Bxe7 Qxe7 11. Ne4 N5f6 12. Ng3 c5 13. O-O Nb6 14. Ba2 cxd4
15. Nxd4 g6 16. Rc1 Bd7 17. Qe2 Rac8 18. e4 e5 19. Nf3 Kg7 20. h3 h6 21. Qd2
Be6 22. Bxe6 Qxe6 23. Qa5 Nc4 24. Qxa7 Nxb2 25. Rxc8 Rxc8 26. Qxb7 Nc4 27. Qb4
Ra8 28. Ra1 Qc6 29. a4 Nxe4 30. Nxe5 Qd6 31. Qxc4 Qxe5 32. Re1 Nd6 33. Qc1 Qf6
34. Ne4 Nxe4 35. Rxe4 Rb8 36. Re2 Ra8 37. Ra2 Ra5 38. Qc7 Qa6 39. Qc3+ Kh7 40.
Rd2 Qb6 41. Rd7 Qb1+ 42. Kh2 Qb8+ 43. g3 Rf5 44. Qd4 Qe8 45. Rd5 Rf3 46. h4 Qh8
47. Qb6 Qa1 48. Kg2 Rf6 49. Qd4 Qxd4 50. Rxd4 Kg7 51. a5 Ra6 52. Rd5 Rf6 53.
Rd4 Ra6 54. Ra4 Kf6 55. Kf3 Ke5 56. Ke3 h5 57. Kd3 Kd5 58. Kc3 Kc5 59. Ra2 Kb5
60. Kb3 Kc5 61. Kc3 Kb5 62. Kd4 Rd6+ 63. Ke5 Re6+ 64. Kf4 Ka6 65. Kg5 Re5+ 66.
Kh6 Rf5 67. f4 Rc5 68. Ra3 Rc7 69. Kg7 Rd7 70. f5 gxf5 71. Kh6 f4 72. gxf4 Rd5
73. Kg7 Rf5 74. Ra4 Kb5 75. Re4 Ka6 76. Kh6 Rxa5 77. Re5 Ra1 78. Kxh5 Rg1 79.
Rg5 Rh1 80. Rf5 Kb6 81. Rxf7 Kc6 82. Re7 1-0
This Week In Chess
Tuesday August 31, 2004
On 8/24, the CSCC had 18 members in attendance. In the USCF-rated (G90) games, Josh Bloomer beat Antony Kolenc, and Tom Mullikin got 2 wins, while Gary Frenzel got 1 win, in their 3-game match.
The rest of the group was able to participate in the Thematic Middle Game Tournament. However, the event turned into more of an endgame exercise and lecture than a tournament since no scores were recorded. But club officer, Shaun MacMillan, picked an interesting game to talk about, and he added a new twist to our standard lectures.
After introducing the final game of the World Championship between Alexander Alekhine and Jose Raul Capablanca, he had the group split into pairs to play both sides (white and black) of the game from move 48…Rf6 (see Game Of The Week). The goal as white was to win, and the goal as black was to draw. After everyone finished playing through the game, Shaun went over how the game was actually played.
Upcoming Events
8/31 Ladder games, CSCC
9/4-9/6 Colorado Open, CSCA
9/4 Scholastics start, CSCA
9/6 Kids’ Chess Club, Borders
9/7 Speed Tournament, CSCC
9/8 Barnes & Noble Chess, Citadel (6pm)
9/18-9/19 24hr Chess Marathon, DCC
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