Game Of The Week
This week's game comes from the Colorado Springs Chess Club's 4th Wednesday August Rapid OTB. After playing in several Blitz tournaments, Will Wolf requested a longer time control of G/10+4. The increment of 4 seconds seemed strange to me. From where does that come? Is Will secretly a trucker?
Actually, the "10-4" lingo comes from Police codes that were created in the 1940s. Here are the first ten:
10-2 = Good reception
10-3 = Stop transmitting
10-4 = Message received, affirmative, OK
10-5 = Relay this information to (name of a person, officer, etc.)
10-6 = Officer is busy
10-7 = Out of service, unavailable
10-8 = In-service
10-9 = Please repeat (please repeat the message)
10-10 = Negative (no)
Since I didn't want to discourage any chess players who didn't own a truck or were not a CB aficionado, I decided to steer away from the 10+4 time control. I could have chosen a 10+10 time control since we have been playing that online but that seemed too negative.
So, we tried out a Rapid time control of G/10+5 (all chess players). It seemed to be the most inviting. Plus, the club clocks already have pre-set time controls with 5 second increment on them and makes for less work for me adjusting clocks at the start of the tournament. This means that each player gets 10 minutes on their clock and will gain 5 seconds per move. The games, on average, should last a little bit more than 15 minutes.
In the first round, I got paired with Rowen Oregel. He is an up-and-coming scholastic player and has taken lessons from LM Lior Lapid, who told me about him. He has played in a couple of the Colorado Springs Chess Club events, but since we haven't done anything rated since the pandemic hit, our ratings are just from what Swiss Sys calculates. So, I knew his club rating was not a true reflection of how he was going to play.
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10-78 = Need assistance |
We both tried to keep score, but the time control is too fast to get all of a close endgame. So, I tried to get Rowen's assistance after the game to re-create the ending. We failed. I can barely think during a Rapid game let alone remember what I was thinking after it is over. However, we are pretty sure that the first 43 moves are accurate. The ending is my best guess. Rowen did remember this position, as he saw my best move. I played the 10-3 best move, as my brain had turned off and stopped transmitting when I got under a minute on my clock.
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Black to move |
Ten Four
[Event "4th Wednesday August COATI"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2021.08.25"]
[Round "1.1"]
[White "Oragel, Rowen"]
[Black "Anderson, Paul"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B06"]
[WhiteElo "1094"]
[BlackElo "1940"]
[PlyCount "142"]
[EventDate "2021.08.25"]
[TimeControl "600+5"]
1. e4 c6 2. d4 g6 3. Nf3 Bg7 4. Be3 d5 5. e5 Nh6 6. Nbd2 f6 7. exf6 exf6 8.
Bxh6 Bxh6 9. Qe2+ Qe7 10. Qxe7+ Kxe7 11. O-O-O Bg4 12. Kb1 Nd7 13. c4 Nb6 14.
c5 Nd7 15. Re1+ Kf7 16. h3 Be6 17. Bd3 b6 18. Nb3 bxc5 19. dxc5 Nb8 20. Nfd4
Bd7 21. Na5 Re8 22. Nb7 Rxe1+ 23. Rxe1 Bf8 24. Nb3 Bc8 25. N7a5 a6 26. Rc1 Ra7
27. Nd4 Rc7 28. b4 Bh6 29. Re1 Bd2 30. Re2 Bxb4 31. Nab3 a5 32. Nc2 Bc3 33. Re3
a4 34. Nc1 Be5 35. Ne2 Rb7+ 36. Kc1 Re7 37. f4 Bb2+ 38. Kd2 Rxe3 39. Nxe3 Ba6
40. Bxa6 Nxa6 41. Kc2 a3 42. Nd1 Nxc5 43. Nxb2 axb2 44. Kxb2 Ke6 45. Kc3 Ne4+
46. Kd3 Kd6 47. a3 c5 48. Nc3 Nxc3 49. Kxc3 Kc6 50. g4 Kb5 51. h4 f5 52. gxf5
gxf5 53. h5 Ka4 54. Kc2 Kxa3 55. Kc3 Ka2 56. Kc2 d4 57. Kd3 Kb3 58. Kd2 c4 59.
Ke2 Kc2 60. Kf2 d3 61. Kg3 d2 62. Kh4 h6 63. Kg3 d1=Q 64. Kf2 Qd2+ 65. Kg3 Qe3+
66. Kg2 Kd3 67. Kh2 c3 68. Kg2 c2 69. Kh2 c1=R 70. Kg2 Rc2+ 71. Kf1 Qf2# 0-1
This Week In Chess
Place, 4th Wednesday August Rapid OTB, Score
1 Paul D Anderson 3.5
2 Peter Barlay 3.0
3 Pret Bram 3.0
4 Koen Beaver 2.5
5 William Leo Wolf 2.0
6 Jose Llacza Magno 2.0
7 Rowen Oregel 2.0
8 Jayne Perry 2.0
9 Grayson Herrera 2.0
10 Erik Dali Svoboda 1.0
11 Forrest Harvin 1.0
12 Ethan Bastian 0.0
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