Game Of The Week
This week's game comes from my Mother's Day tradition. For the past 14 years, in lieu of flowers, I have published a chess game where her ex-husband lost. From a chess author, this is like getting the Silver Star for gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States. In this case, the enemy is a former spouse.
Of course, I am late for Mother's Day, but I had thought that, with chess club still closed due to the pandemic, I would get a year off from promoting chess in Colorado Springs with the newsletter. I was going to cruise through the summer with my feet up and the online version of the club on auto-pilot. Then Ren and Adhya begged me to run events for them at COATI.
"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!"
So, now I am trying to get caught up on my newsletter traditions. I realized that I am a traditional type of guy. Or, as I like to say, "I enjoy being in a rut." My rut is warm and cozy, where I don't have to think or make decisions. During the quarantine, I settled into the alliteration diet. Every day, my food is already decided, based on which food starts with the same letter as the day of the week. I don't have to waste time worrying about which craving fits my current mood. Except on Wildcard Wednesdays. Those days are tough to choose a place to eat.
So far, I completed my Game Of The Year tradition. The Mother's Day tradition is almost done. Now, I just have to find some way to resurrect Tim Brennan from his chess hibernation.
One of my other traditions is to visit my Grandfather's grave on Memorial Day. He served with Patton in North Africa, helped to liberate Sicily, and went into Europe on D+9. This year my family wasn't going to be able to make it on Memorial Day. So, we broke with tradition and went early. If you happen to visit there, be sure to put a penny on his grave.
Well, as is my tradition, I wrap up the chess blog with a diagram from the game that I have chosen. This game was one of my early battles (#10) with my dad over email. I was still new at the Colorado Springs Chess Club and trying to play more there to get better so I could beat my dad. I was able to get an early advantage, but I struggled to figure out how to translate that to a win. Finally, my dad ran out of good ideas and set up this Mate-in-8. I didn't see the checkmate back then. So, I went for the material and got a quicker mate.
Traditional Rut
[Event "5-4-1"]
[Site ""]
[Date "1998.04.03"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Anderson, Paul"]
[Black "Anderson, Douglas"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D20"]
[PlyCount "97"]
[EventDate "1998.01.27"]
[TimeControl "0"]
1. d4 d5 2. c4 dxc4 3. e4 c5 4. d5 e6 5. Bxc4 exd5 6.
Bxd5 Qc7 7. Qa4+ Bd7 8. Qb3 Bc6 9. Nf3 Nf6 10. Nc3 Bd6 11. Bg5 O-O 12. Bxf6
gxf6 13. O-O a6 14. Rfe1 Bd7 15. Qxb7 Qxb7 16. Bxb7 Ra7 17. Bd5 Be5 18. Rac1
Rc7 19. h3 Rfc8 20. b3 Kf8 21. Ne2 Bb5 22. Rc2 Bd6 23. a4 Bd7 24. Rec1 Nc6 25.
Bc4 Nb4 26. Rd2 Be7 27. Rcd1 Be6 28. Rc1 Kg7 29. Nf4 Rc6 30. Nd5 Bd6 31. Rcd1
Bf8 32. Nxb4 cxb4 33. Nd4 Rb6 34. Nxe6+ fxe6 35. Rd7+ Kg6 36. Ra7 Rcc6 37. Rd8
Bc5 38. Rg8+ Kh6 39. Rgg7 f5 40. Rxh7+ Kg5 41. exf5 exf5 42. Rhc7 Bd4 43. Rxc6
Rxc6 44. Rxa6 Rc8 45. Rd6 Bc5 46. Re6 Rd8 47. g3 Bd6 48. f4+ Kh5 49. Be2# 1-0
This Week In Chess
On May 23rd, the Colorado Springs Chess Club held the COATI Uprising Rapid Online. John Brezina won the gold medal while Jeff Fox and Alex Bozhenoff split the silver medal.
Place, COATI Uprising Rapid Online, Score
1 "#1 Czechmate1972 (1716)" 4.0
2 "#2 jfoxhoot (1668)" 3.0
3 "#2 bozhenoff (1698)" 3.0
4 "#4 KingVed (1540)" 2.0
5 "#4 msmcgough (1590)" 2.0
6 "#6 grahamjcjg (781)" 2.0
7 "#7 Gene_revel (1018)" 1.0
8 "#8 RaiderATO (684)" 1.0
9 "#8 albertgardner (1450)" 1.0
10 "- Frasbury (1602)" 1.0
11 "- JJ7X (1867)" 0.0
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